Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Aims Management Consultants Programs to Advance Social Accountability

Aims Management Consultants links companies, individuals and governments that want to support responsible practices through their purchasing, employment and investment activity. The goal is for human rights standards to become embedded in the supply chain or workplace governance structures, so that the promise of improved social performance for workers and businesses can be realized. The following aspects of aims management consultants work help to achieve these goals.
  • Training and Technical Assistance: Training of auditors, workers, managers and suppliers. Aims Management Consultants certifies individual auditors and helps companies in the implementation process by providing training and information.
  • Accreditation:aims management consultants licenses qualified auditors to certify workplace compliance with social accountability standards. SAI regularly audits the auditors. It does not audit factories or farms.
  • Improvement of Auditing Effectiveness: Constant review of the auditing process; an open complaints and appeals system; regional roundtables to review auditing challenges and share best practices; and fostering greater involvement by NGOs and trade unions.
  • Research and Development: Drafting and revising of social accountability standards, guidelines for the independent verification of compliance, examples of good practices and the costs and benefits of certification.
  • Corporate Programs: Focus on helping companies extend the principles and management systems approach unique to SA8000 throughout their supply chains by assisting the process of integrating social compliance into supplier development and supply chain management.

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